Power Distribution System
This project was a software development exercise to support a power distribution system to safely operate the equipment needed to support a baggage scanning device. This included the start-up, shut-down, and latching safety loop for the system to operate all components of an x-ray and bellows air blower system safely.
The system utilized a Galil RIO PLC which had very limited code memory and allowed multiple processor threads to run.
As a part of the solution, a very large printed circuit board was developed to hold the many relays, contactors, switches, sensors, and other peripheral devices that monitored the system. This required developing a simple API interface to a computer software system that allowed for PLC access and control of the machine’s components. This development was done in conjunction with a product manager in Israel handling the production of the PCB.
The power distribution system successfully operates for all modes of machine operation and also passed UL, EU, and FDA certifications. It successfully interfaced with the controlling computer allowing for remote operation.
All images used with permission from parent company